"Elephant Shrew Rediscovered In Africa After 50 Years"
"A little-known mammal related to an elephant but as small as a mouse has been rediscovered in Africa after 50 years of obscurity."
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species
"A little-known mammal related to an elephant but as small as a mouse has been rediscovered in Africa after 50 years of obscurity."
"The creatures once symbolized our efforts to save the planet; now they demonstrate all the ways we have devastated it."
"Mink at two Utah fur farms have tested positive for the virus that causes covid-19 in humans, the Department of Agriculture said Monday, announcing the first U.S. cases in a species that has been widely culled in Europe following outbreaks there."
"The century began with a great deal of optimism around marine protected areas as tools to protect the oceans. Two decades later, conservation goals and fishing interests remain at odds."
"The Trump administration finalized plans Monday to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, a move that will auction off oil and gas rights in the heart of one of the nation’s most iconic wild places. Achieving a goal Republicans have sought for 40 years, it marks a capstone for an administration that has ignored calls to reduce fossil fuel consumption in the face of climate change."
"It is not just at sea that North America’s smallest marine mammals with a huge appetite are benefitting the ecosystem"
"Pacific walruses have begun massing onshore in Alaska on a Chukchi Sea beach, one of the earliest of the now-annual congregations at that site yet recorded, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said.
Walruses were spotted on July 29 a beach near the Inupiat village of Point Lay and numbered about 5,000 as of Aug. 5, said Andrea Medeiros, a spokeswoman for the Fish and Wildlife Service.
"New emails detail drained ponds, salvaged fish and a tense relationship with the Department of Homeland Security."
"A U.S. district court struck down the legal opinion used to justify the Trump administration’s coming rollback of protections for migratory birds late Monday, writing that the Department of the Interior memo was “contrary to law.”"
"Popular pesticides are causing bird species to decline at an alarming rate in the US, adding fuel to a 50-year downward trend in bird biodiversity, a new report has found."