
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

"U.S. Green Groups Ramp Up Legal Attacks On Federal Oil Leases"

"U.S. environmental groups fighting fossil-fuel development made headlines years ago with public demonstrations against big pipeline projects including the Dakota Access and the Keystone XL - only to be steamrolled by President Donald Trump’s executive orders to approve them. Now the so-called ‘keep it in the ground’ movement has a new strategy to slow Trump’s pro-oil agenda: Burying the administration in formal written protests and lawsuits challenging nearly every oil and gas lease it plans on public land."

Source: Reuters, 06/14/2019

Judges Grill Both Sides in Youth Climate Case Against the Government

"Three federal judges heard arguments Tuesday about whether young people have a constitutional right to be protected from climate change. In the lively, hourlong hearing, the judges, from the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, pushed skeptically on the arguments of both sides."

Source: NY Times, 06/05/2019

"Whistleblower: BLM Ignores Illegal Grazing After Bundy Fiasco"

"A career Bureau of Land Management official who was fired last month says the Trump administration is refusing to enforce federal laws and regulations governing livestock grazing in Nevada out of fear of sparking another armed standoff like the one five years ago involving rancher Cliven Bundy."

Source: E&E News PM, 05/30/2019

"European Greens Surge As Voters Abandon Old Parties Over Climate"

"European Green parties on Monday were cheering E.U. elections that vaulted them into a kingmaking position of power, as voters abandoned traditional political parties in favor of climate-focused activists in a green wave that swept several countries."

Source: Washington Post, 05/29/2019

Urban Farming a Fertile Bed for Crop of Local Stories

The rise of the modern environmental and food movements has shifted urban farming into high gear. For environmental journalists, that could yield a bumper crop of local stories. The latest TipSheet has more, along with questions to ask, story angles to follow and reporting resources to tap.

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SEJ in Press Freedom Case, Chem Secrecy Bill Fails and More

SEJ joined with several dozen other journalism groups to support the right to film police activity in a public place, and bills to block information of importance to environmental reporters failed in Louisiana, California and Iowa, but a Colorado paper was blocked from covering a wild horse roundup. All that in this month’s WatchDog Tipsheet.

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