National (U.S.)

Pew Center

Pew Center

The Pew Center on Global Climate Change is supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts, which is ultimately based on the family fortunes of the descendants of the founder of the Sun Oil Co. The Pew climate program is a centrist, non-profit advocacy organization "working to create a policy environment that leads to the adoption of mandatory federal limits on emissions that contribute to global warming." Pew works intensely with Fortune 500 companies.

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U.S. National Assessment of Climate Change (2000)

U.S. National Assessment of Climate Change

This comprehensive study of the vulnerabilities and potential impacts of climate change on the U.S. was mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990. It includes studies looking specifically at 19 different U.S. regions. Assembled by hundreds of experts from academia and elsewhere, it was completed in the late Clinton administration and partly suppressed by the Bush administration.

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US Global Change Research Information Office

US Global Change Research Information Office

The US is required by a 1990 law to maintain the GCRIO to disseminate scientific research and other information useful in preventing, mitigating, or adapting to the effects of global change. Unable to disband the office, the Bush administration has given it little funding support. Its online library of key studies and documents from past years is still valuable.

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US Forest Service Research and Development — Climate Change

US Forest Service Research and Development — Climate Change

USFS has an extensive ongoing R&D program regarding climate change. The program provides long term research, scientific knowledge, expertise, regional resources and tools that can be used to manage, restore, and conserve forests and rangelands.

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