National (U.S.)

"Special Report: Watching Grass Grow In The Gulf, And Cheering!"

"Marsh grasses are the tough guys of the plant world. Left alone, they dominate coastal marshes from Texas to Newfoundland. Burn their stems and leaves, and they come back bushier than ever. They help slow down hurricanes and filter pollution. As impenetrable to humans as a green wall, they shelter birds, fish and endangered mammals, and act as nurseries for commercial species like shrimp and crabs. But let oil get into their roots and underground reproductive systems, and they can wither and die."

Source: Reuters, 07/29/2010

"Coal's New Focus on California"

"Appalachian coal-mining interests have donated more than $60,000 to the US Senate campaign of Republican Carly Fiorina, the former HP chief executive who's said she's 'not sure' that climate change is occurring. First reported by California Watch,  the donations are the latest indication that California is a key battleground in the political war over climate change."

Source: Mother Jones, 07/28/2010

Regional, State Interests May Dominate Future Climate & Energy Policy

"The failure of climate legislation in the Senate last week is a blunt reminder of a basic truth, experts say: The nation's energy policies are historically driven by state and regional interests that will trump national agendas in all but the most compelling circumstances.

Source: ClimateWire, 07/28/2010


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