Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

April 30, 2017

DEADLINE: 2017-18 UT Energy Journalism Fellowship

This University of Texas at Austin fellowship (Sep 1, 2017-Aug 31, 2018) provides energy journalists a one-year break from the grind of daily deadlines to work on a long-form energy-themed writing project. Cash salary, travel budget, benefits and more. Apply by Apr 30.

Topics on the Beat: 

Hazardous Sites Near You? There’s a Database for That!

The best public database of the risk management plans for many major hazardous sites has now been restored. The latest TipSheet has the backstory on government tracking of hazardous chemical facilities, an example of how the database was mined for some stellar reporting, and ideas for smart use of this powerful tool.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 24, 2017

The First SEJ North Texas Meetup!

This is the first meetup for SEJ members and environmental journalists in the North Texas region. Come meet others who are part of SEJ, join the group if you aren't already a member, and talk about the craft of science and environmental journalism.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Oklahoma Tribe Sues Oil Companies In Tribal Court Over Earthquake"

"An Oklahoma-based Native American tribe filed a lawsuit in its own tribal court system Friday accusing several oil companies of triggering the state’s largest earthquake that caused extensive damage to some near-century-old tribal buildings."

Source: AP, 03/07/2017


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