Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

Navajos Mark Uranium Spill 30 Years Later

"Thirty years ago today, an earthen tailings dam near the United Nuclear Corp. Church Rock Uranium mine collapsed, spilling ninety million gallons of liquid radioactive waste and eleven hundred tons of solid mill wastes into the Rio Puerco. The spill contaminated water, land and air at least 50 miles downstream on Navajo Nation land in New Mexico and Arizona."
Source: New Mexico Independent, 07/17/2009

Feds Focus on 24 Solar Sites in 6 Western States

Good solar potential, relative proximity to existing or potential energy transmission corridors, and the perception of the fewest conflicts with existing land uses and the natural environment were factors in site selection.
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Projects in 12 States Share Wildfire Funding

$15 million of Stimulus funding for 55 projects, designed to help reduce wildfire hazards and reclaim burned lands, could be of substantial interest in the receiving communities.
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New Trails Are in 13 States

Twenty-two new National Recreational Trails, covering more than 525 miles, provide a good opportunity to cover outdoor recreation topics.
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