Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

November 18, 2015 to November 20, 2015

Greenbuild International Summit

At the 2015 International Summit, representatives from over 80 nations will come together to discuss common challenges. We see our ideas as valuable, applicable, replicable and worth sharing.  This year, the Summit is the place where we connect the dots between climate change, finance, policy, industry, resource security, practice and innovation.

October 21, 2015 to October 22, 2015

Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change Attribution

A National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine committee will hold a two-day public workshop in Washington, DC to examine the science of attributing specific extreme weather events to human-caused climate change or to natural variability. RSVP required.


Chesapeake Waters Warming, Study Says, Posing Challenges To Healing Bay

"The Chesapeake Bay's waters are warming, in some places more rapidly than the region's air temperatures, researchers from the University of Maryland say. If unchecked, scientists say, the trend could complicate costly, long-running efforts to restore the ailing estuary, worsen fish-suffocating dead zones and alter the food web on which the bay's fish and crabs depend."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 10/15/2015

Maryland’s Gigantic New Oyster Reef: a Pearl That Could Save Chesapeake

"The world’s tallest building stands in Dubai. The largest city is in Japan. Brazil’s Amazon is the largest rain forest. ... But the world’s largest man-made oyster reef is in Maryland. It was finished just days ago, and rests at the watery bottom of Harris Creek on the Eastern Shore, spread across more acres than the national Mall."

Source: Wash Post, 09/24/2015
October 19, 2015

Center for Public Integrity's Minority Fellowship in Investigative Journalism

The Center for Public Integrity seeks applicants for its Minority Fellowship in Investigative Journalism which begins on Oct 19, 2015. There are two openings: one in the Environment & Labor desk and another in Money & Politics.



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