Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

Opponents walk Atlantic Coast Pipeline Route in 5 Virginia Counties

"Although the 'No Pipeline' signs speak for themselves, don’t call it a protest. According to organizers, Walking the Line: Into the Heart of Virginia, is a moving celebration of what’s on the line — literally and figuratively — of the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline route that bisects Virginia on a northwest to southeast diagonal."

Source: Daily Climate, 07/07/2017

Interior Appropriations — Dead on Arrival and Live at Five

Even though big proposed budget cuts may be DOA for the Interior Department, it doesn't mean there aren't a wide range of land and resource-related stories emerging from the debates. The latest TipSheet sets the scene and offers a half-dozen ways to localize the Interior Department funding story.

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"Organisms In Ballast Water Increasing Despite Discharge Measures"

"Ships arriving in Chesapeake Bay ports bring more than just cargo — in 2013 they also inadvertently released an estimated 10 billion live zooplankton from other parts of the world, a finding that surprised the researchers who recently reported the results."

Source: Bay Journal, 06/08/2017

"Mayor Peduto Slams Trump For Name-Dropping Pittsburgh"

"When Bill Peduto campaigned this spring for re-election, he banked on Pittsburghers’ distaste for the president. The mayor aired a 30-second TV spot that knocked Donald Trump over health care and education, even calling him a New England Patriots fan."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 06/02/2017


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