Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

When Disaster Strikes, Building Codes May Make Things Worse

They may not be the sexiest topics on the environmental agenda. But building codes and zoning can become a matter of life and death when natural disasters strike. This week’s TipSheet runs down the reporting challenge when floods, earthquakes and wildfires threaten your coverage area.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Anacostia Rising: What’s Next For Washington’s 'Forgotten’ River"

"Our nation’s founders decided to build their new capital city on a square of land at the confluence of two rivers — the Potomac and the Anacostia. In the years since, the Potomac has been acclaimed as “the Nation’s River.” The Anacostia, however, has been known by less illustrious nicknames: “the forgotten river,” or simply “one of the most polluted rivers in the United States.”"

Source: WAMU, 03/26/2018

Are Combined Sewer Overflows Causing Pollution in Your Local Waters?

Decades after the nation’s capital began its historic cleanup, sanitary sewage still occasionally swamps the Potomac River. Are sewage systems also dumping human waste and other pollutants into waterways near you? This week’s TipSheet has the background on the problem of combined sewage overflow, as well as resources for finding out what’s happening near you.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 13, 2018

Can Algae Really Do CCU? Status and Potential of Biological Carbon Capture and Use (CCU)

Heralded by proponents, dismissed by naysayers, algae may not cure our carbon conundrum but could be a key enabler for carbon capture and use (CCU). Join speaker Matt Carr, Algae Biomass Organization executive director, in Washington, DC for this afternoon event.

Topics on the Beat: 

Chesapeake’s ‘Secret Garden’ Thriving Again, But Trump Could End That

"The Chesapeake Bay restoration plan is fueling the most robust resurgence of underwater grasses and submerged aquatic vegetation in the world, according to a new study."

Source: Washington Post, 03/06/2018

Enviros Will Sue Over Allegheny Co. Inactivity on Air Pollution Permits

"The Clean Air Council has filed notice it will sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency unless the agency forces the Allegheny County Health Department to review and issue long overdue operating permits for many of the county’s biggest industrial air pollution sources."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 03/06/2018

EPA Mapping App Helps Find, Deepen Environmental Justice Stories

As new research reminds us that pollution often disproportionately affects poor and minority communities in the United States, a long-standing mapping tool from the EPA can help reporters explore and discover those environmental justice stories nearest them. The latest TipSheet explains the problem, and walks you through the mapping app.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Under Pressure From Senate Dems, EPA Restores Funding for Bay Journal

"The Environmental Protection Agency agreed Thursday to restore $325,000 in funding this year for the Bay Journal, a publication with a print circulation of 50,000 that has covered environmental issues involving the Chesapeake Bay for more than a quarter-century."

Source: Washington Post, 03/02/2018


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