Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

Disaster Preparedness Key Amid Pandemic

Unheeded warnings are the hallmark of many disasters. And with coronavirus still hobbling the nation, communities and journalists must now watch for all the ways COVID-19 could make even the most familiar hazards far worse. Prepare with this extensive Backgrounder, which touches on issues around evacuations and emergency readiness when facing storms, fires, toxic releases and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

MD, VA, DC Plan To Sue EPA For Failing To Enforce Chesapeake Cleanup

"Two states and the District of Columbia say they plan to sue the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to enforce a court-ordered agreement to dramatically lower pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, the nation’s largest estuary."

Source: Washington Post, 05/19/2020

Developers Put Plastics Plant in Ohio on Indefinite Hold, Cite Virus

"The developers of a proposed plastics manufacturing plant in Ohio on Friday indefinitely delayed a final decision on whether to proceed, citing economic uncertainties around the coronavirus pandemic."

Source: InsideClimate News, 04/28/2020

Virginia Becomes 1st Southern State With A Goal Of Carbon-Free Energy

"The coronavirus is scrambling Virginia's budget and economy, but it didn't prevent Gov. Ralph Northam (D) from signing legislation that makes it the first Southern state with a goal of going carbon-free by 2045."

Source: Washington Post, 04/16/2020
August 27, 2020 to August 30, 2020

IRE 2020

Reboot your skills, recharge your watchdog batteries and reconnect with the world’s largest network of investigative journalists during this year’s Investigative Reporters & Editors gathering in National Harbor, MD, just outside Washington, D.C.

Topics on the Beat: 

Virginia: "For Environmentalists, A ‘Monumental’ Legislative Session"

"RICHMOND, Va. — Environmental advocates notched one win after another this legislative session as the new Democratic majority passed their top-priority legislation, including measures long opposed by Republicans who used to be in charge."

Source: AP, 03/17/2020

SEJournal Relaunches WatchDog with a ‘Voice,’ Plus Coronavirus and More

SEJournal welcomes back from hiatus our WatchDog feature, now recast as an opinion column from Joseph A. Davis, Society of Environmental Journalists’ veteran freedom of information advocate and longtime SEJournal contributor. In part one of a two-parter, find out why we’re relaunching the new column, plus get Davis’ take on government openness (or lack thereof) around coronavirus, as well as more on SEJ’s deep commitment to open information and a rundown of its recent FOI activities. And watch for part two next week.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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