Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

Pa. Drillers Abandoned Thousands Of Gas Wells In 5 Years, Ignored State Law

"Pennsylvania’s environmental regulator says, over a five-year period, more than half of conventional oil and gas operators failed to report how much gas they pulled from the ground and whether their equipment is safe."

Source: NPR, 01/26/2023

Determined Grantee Weaves Together Unique Project on Ash Trees, Wetlands and Baskets

When the global pandemic interfered with independent journalist Gabriel Popkin’s plans for a grant-funded biodiversity reporting project on the emerald ash borer, an invasive pest threatening ash forests, he came up with a surprising solution. In this FEJ StoryLog, Popkin shares how he worked around travel shutdowns and subsequent story pitch rejections to ultimately discover an alternative storytelling option to keep his project alive.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 1, 2024

DEADLINE: Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference for High School Juniors

High school juniors (class of 2025) with an interest in journalism can apply to attend Freedom Forum's annual event, all expenses paid plus a $1,000 scholarship to the college of their choice. The 2024 conference takes place Jun 22-27 in Washington, DC. Apply by Apr 1.

Topics on the Beat: 
January 27, 2023

SEJ Happy Hour in Philadelphia

The Society of Environmental Journalists board of directors invites member and nonmember journalists and guests to a happy hour event, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at The Board and Brew in Philadelphia. Come meet and mingle with board members meeting in Philadelphia.

Topics on the Beat: 

Whither the Permitting Reform Bill in 2023?

The complex legal obstacles that face U.S. energy projects prompted political machinations over permitting reform in the last Congress and likely will again in the new one. The latest Backgrounder explores how the energy permitting system works (or doesn’t), why Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin may really be pushing for its reform and the reason some environmentalists concede reform may have green benefits.

SEJ Publication Types: 
January 5, 2024

DEADLINE: #SEJ2024 Philadelphia Conference Travel Diversity Fellowships

SEJ and The Uproot Project are partnering to offer diversity fellowships (worth up to $2800) to support journalists' attendance at #SEJ2024 in Philadelphia, Apr 3-7. Apply by January 5!

Topics on the Beat: 

Op-Ed: "New Hope for Horseshoe Crabs — and the Shorebirds That Depend on Them"

"A globetrotting bird, a crab that’s not a crab, a marine snail and a fish whose reproduction is so mysterious it fascinated Freud — they all walk into a sandbar. Unbeknownst to them, their future — no joke — hung in the balance of a decision made this November by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission."

Source: The Revelator, 12/21/2022


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