
"As ‘Yuck Factor’ Subsides, Treated Wastewater Flows From Taps"

"SAN DIEGO — Almost hidden in the northern hills, the pilot water treatment plant here does not seem a harbinger of revolution. It cost $13 million, uses long-established technologies and produces a million gallons a day. But the plant’s very existence is a triumph over one of the most stubborn problems facing the nation’s water managers: if they make clean drinking water from wastewater, will the yuck factor keep people from accepting it?"

Source: NY Times, 02/10/2012

SacBee Wins Access to Forest-Fire Documents

A federal judge ruled that once the documents — depositions of US Forest Service employees about a 2007 forest fire in California that burned tens of thousands of acres — had been entered into court records as part of the evidence discovery process, they were presumptively public records and had to remain that way.


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Mining Dispute Harkens Back To Calif. Foothills' Wild Gold Rush Era

"PLACERVILLE, Calif. - California's Gold Rush was more than a century-and-a-half ago, but its Wild West spirit lives on in a dispute between government agencies and a landowner in the Sierra Nevada foothills that some officials describe as one of the most egregious cases of illegal mining they have ever encountered."

Source: AP, 02/08/2012

"California Sets Landmark Rules To Cut Auto Emissions"

"California approved aggressive new rules on Friday to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by requiring automakers to put many more electric and hybrid vehicles on the Golden State's roads by 2025. The regulations were approved unanimously by nine members of the state's powerful air-quality regulator, the California Air Resources Board, at a meeting in Los Angeles."

"They are expected to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 34 percent and smog and soot pollutants by 75 percent by 2025, in part by putting 1.4 million electric, plug-in and hydrogen vehicles on the state's roads.

Source: Reuters, 01/30/2012

"California Air Board To Vote on Landmark Electric-Car Rules"

"In a move that could reshape the American automobile industry, California regulators Thursday are expected to approve sweeping new rules requiring that 15 percent of new cars sold in California by 2025 run on electricity, hydrogen or other systems producing little or no smog."

"The regulations by the California Air Resources Board, dubbed the 'advanced clean car rules,' would start in 2018, ramping up each year and ultimately resulting in 1.4 million 'zero emission' vehicles on California roads by 2025. Today there are only about 10,000 such vehicles in the state. ...

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 01/26/2012


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