Alaska and Hawaii

Climate Change, COVID Loom Over Alaska's 50th Iditarod Sled Dog Race

"Forty-nine mushers and their teams of huskies trotted through Alaska's largest city on Saturday to start the 50th annual running of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, an event transformed by climate change and commercialism since its humble beginnings."

Source: Reuters, 03/07/2022

"Alaska Worries For Its Salmon Run As Climate Change Warms Arctic Waters"

"With marine heat waves helping to wipe out some of Alaska’s storied salmon runs in recent years, officials have resorted to sending emergency food shipments to affected communities while scientists warn that the industry’s days of traditional harvests may be numbered."

Source: Reuters, 02/25/2022

Beavers Are Flooding the Warming Alaskan Arctic, Threatening Fish

"A thawing of permafrost in beaver-built wetlands can release vast stores of greenhouse gases to warm the climate, but Native peoples are already feeling the rodent’s impacts." "When the beavers came to streams near the Alaskan village of Venetie, the fish disappeared."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/01/2022

Alaskan Indigenous Leaders Fear Impacts On Salmon Streams From Mine

"Mining company Donlin Gold is seeking to develop one of the world’s largest open-pit gold mines near Alaska’s Kuskokwim River, a spawning ground for several species of salmon, which make up 50 percent of local communities’ diet and subsistence lifestyle."

Source: Mongabay, 01/27/2022
February 9, 2022

DEADLINE: IJNR Virtual Workshop — Ocean + Climate in Alaska

Join the Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources for a two-day virtual workshop, Feb. 23-24, 2022, to explore how climate change is impacting the waters of Alaska and how Indigenous communities, state agencies and federal scientists are working to protect this bountiful resource. Participants eligible for small reporting stipends. Deadline: Feb 9.



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