
"Melting Ice Sheets Already Seen Driving Sea-Level Rise"

"As a satellite study released today by Nature shows, the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets have already begun contributing more to the planet's rising seas than the melting of ice caps and glaciers. It is a trend that overthrows conventional understanding of how melting is partitioned, while reaffirming that sea levels are rising as expected."

Source: Greenwire, 02/09/2012

"China Bans Airlines From Joining EU Emissions Scheme"

"The Chinese government said on Monday it will ban the country's airlines from participating in a European Union scheme to charge for carbon emissions from flights into and out of Europe and ban airlines from charging customers extra because of the EU plan."

Chris Buckley reports for Reuters February 6 2012.


"Opponents Of EU Airline CO2 Scheme To Meet In Moscow" (Reuters)

Source: Reuters, 02/07/2012

UN Pitches Rio+20 Talks as Departure From Political Strife on Climate

"UNITED NATIONS -- This summer's sustainable development conference in Brazil, known as Rio+20, is emerging as an overt attempt by U.N. officials to shift away from the divisive politics of climate change to a broader debate on the green economy and how to bring it to developing nations."

Source: ClimateWire, 02/01/2012

Medical Mystery Solved After Vaccine Hypothesis Discredited

The Cossoloottoo family in Centerville, Iowa, suspected vaccinations were the culprit when their 6-month-old daughter got seizures and what looked like autism. Their concerns were worsened by studies linking vaccinations to autism -- studies later discredited as fraud. It wasn't until some 10 years later that a specialist at the Mayo Clinic correctly diagnosed their daughter as having a genetic disorder, Dravet syndrome, that strikes one in 20-40,000 children born.

Source: Wash Post, 02/01/2012

"Studies Find El Niño Influences Disease Patterns Around the World"

"Certain disease outbreaks, including some of the worst pandemics of the 20th century, are linked to weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean, according to new research. Scientists said tracking these climate changes can help officials anticipate and plan for surges in illnesses."

Source: ClimateWire, 01/31/2012

"Freezing Fukushima Nuclear Plant Leaks Water"

"TOKYO -- The temperature fell to minus 8.7 degrees Celsius on Sunday morning near Japan's crippled nuclear power plant, causing water pipes and valve seals to rupture, leaking tons of water."

"Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant discovered Sunday that the damaged pipes spilled nearly eight tons of water from 14 locations. Two additional water leaks were discovered today, according to plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company.

Source: ENS, 01/31/2012


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