
"Science Linking Drought to Global Warming Remains Matter of Dispute"

"In delivering aid to drought-stricken California last week, President Obama and his aides cited the state as an example of what could be in store for much of the rest of the country as human-caused climate change intensifies. But in doing so, they were pushing at the boundaries of scientific knowledge about the relationship between climate change and drought."

Source: NY Times, 02/17/2014

"Obama, Hollande Cooperate on 2015 Global Climate Change Pact"

"WASHINGTON, DC, February 11, 2014 (ENS) – The leaders of France and the United States today agreed to expand their work to curb climate change in advance of the United Nations climate summit next year in Paris, where the world is expected to forge a global climate agreement to take effect in 2020."

Source: ENS, 02/12/2014


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