
"Climate Change Hurting N.E. Cod Population, Study Says"

"The rapid warming of the waters off New England has contributed to the historic collapse of the region’s cod population and has hampered its ability to rebound, according to a study that for the first time links climate change to the iconic species’ plummeting numbers."

Source: Boston Globe, 10/30/2015

"Catholic Church Leaders Issue Appeal on Climate Change"

"VATICAN CITY — Roman Catholic cardinals, patriarchs and bishops from around the world on Monday appealed to climate-change negotiators to approve a 'fair, legally binding and truly transformational climate agreement' when they meet at a widely anticipated United Nations conference in Paris next month."

Source: NY Times, 10/27/2015

"Greenland Is Melting Away"

"The midnight sun still gleamed at 1 a.m. across the brilliant expanse of the Greenland ice sheet. Brandon Overstreet, a doctoral candidate in hydrology at the University of Wyoming, picked his way across the frozen landscape, clipped his climbing harness to an anchor in the ice and crept toward the edge of a river that rushed downstream toward an enormous sinkhole."

Source: NY Times, 10/27/2015


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