
Red List Of Threatened Species Grows By 1,000, But Hope For Some Animals

"Over 45,000 species are now threatened with extinction — 1,000 more than last year — according to an international conservation organization that blames pressures from climate change, invasive species and human activity such as illicit trade and infrastructural expansion."

Source: AP, 06/28/2024
July 9, 2024

Inside OffsetsDB, a Carbon Offset Repository From CarbonPlan

In this webinar, hosted by The Journalist's Resource, CarbonPlan research scientist Grayson Badgley and editorial lead Maggie Koerth will walk participants through the ins-and-outs of OffsetsDB, an open-access database of carbon offsets projects from around the world. 12:00 p.m. ET.

July 11, 2024

IJ4EU Workshop: Digital Security

Are you working on a story that can get you in trouble? Are you covering a sensitive or a dangerous topic? Are your sources well protected? How safe is your online identity and your data? Register for this Investigative Journalism for Europe workshop offering security training for journalists. 6:30-9:00 a.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 
July 9, 2024

GIJN Webinar: How Latin America Connects to Your Story

This Global Investigative Journalism Network webinar is on investigations into intricate webs of misconduct that start in Latin America but impact communities around the world. Explore the region’s global reach of illicit money, deforestation, illegal mining, drug trafficking and environmental destruction. 11:00 ET.



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