
"Anti-Fracking Activists Denied Injunction in Canada"

"FREDERICTON, Canada -- A judge ruled here Monday against an injunction to suspend controversial shale gas exploration activities in Kent County, New Brunswick, which last month created headlines across North America when protests in the area turned violent as activists burned police cars amid dozens of arrests."

Source: Aljazeera, 11/19/2013

"Firm Applies To Build Largest Pipeline Yet From North Dakota"

"BISMARCK, N.D. -- A Canadian company has applied to build the largest oil pipeline yet from western North Dakota's booming oil patch and will soon begin courting oil producers to reserve space, a key step in a $2.6 billion project that would move millions of gallons of oil to Minnesota and Wisconsin."

Source: AP, 11/06/2013

"Looking for a Way Around Keystone XL, Canadian Oil Hits the Rails"

"HOUSTON -- Over the past two years, environmentalists have chained themselves to the White House fence and otherwise coalesced around stopping the Keystone XL pipeline as their top priority in the fight against global warming. But even if President Obama rejects the pipeline, it might not matter much. Oil companies are already building rail terminals to deliver oil from western Canada to the United States, and even to Asia."

Source: NY Times, 10/31/2013

Calif., Oregon, Washington, British Columbia Sign Climate Change Pact

"SAN FRANCISCO -- Saying that the West Coast must lead the way in battling climate change, the governors of California, Oregon and Washington, along with the premier of British Columbia, signed an agreement Monday committing the Canadian province and the three states to coordinate global-warming policies."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 10/29/2013


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