
Environmental Digital Storytelling — A Best-in-Show Sampler

As part of its periodic survey of the compelling work by digital journalists using data and multimedia, Reporter’s Toolbox looks at some favorite projects in the last year or so. On the list are granular maps and spinning globes, compelling photo essays and clickable storytelling. But the heart of the best digital journalism, Toolbox reminds us, is that it matters. And these do.

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B.C. Said Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Could Withstand ‘Extreme Weather. Nope.

"An internal briefing note reveals BC Energy Regulator inspectors did not find any problems with Coastal GasLink’s emergency plans a few months before soaring temperatures led to flooded pipeline sites, slope failures and damage to sensitive creeks and wetlands".

Source: The Narwhal, 12/18/2023

"Deep in the Wilderness, the World’s Largest Beaver Dam Endures"

"The largest beaver dam on Earth was discovered via satellite imagery in 2007, and since then only one person has trekked into the Canadian wild to see it. It’s a half-mile long and has created a 17-acre lake in the northern forest — a testament to the beaver’s resilience."

Source: YaleE360, 12/12/2023

Canada’s Plans To Crack Down On Greenwashing Don’t Go Far Enough: Advocates

"A new federal government proposal to crack down on corporate greenwashing in Canada doesn’t go far enough to stop the oil and gas industry from using misleading marketing tactics, two environmental advocacy groups have argued."

Source: The Narwhal, 12/08/2023

How the Simple Backyard Bird Feeder Can Lift Local Environment Reporting

If a remedy for global environmental woes is needed, look no farther than the feathered creatures that flit colorfully about the local winter landscape, drawn by feeders multiplied by the lockdown. The new TipSheet explores how backyard birding offers opportunities for how-to or why-to stories that can offer deeper ecological insights. Ten story ideas and a half-dozen resources to get you started.

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