
Police Report Spike In Sudden Deaths As B.C. Heat Wave Continues

"Police in Metro Vancouver say they've responded to more than 100 sudden deaths since an extreme heat wave took hold in the province, and the danger is expected to continue in the face of unrelenting heat still in the forecast over the next several days."

Source: CBC News, 06/30/2021

"Pacific Northwest Bakes Under Once-In-A-Millennium Heat Dome"

"The heat wave baking the U.S. Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, Canada, is of an intensity never recorded by modern humans. By one measure it is more rare than a once in a 1,000 year event — which means that if you could live in this particular spot for 1,000 years, you'd likely only experience a heat dome like this once, if ever."

Source: CBS News, 06/29/2021

Uncovering Inequality’s Roots in Timber Poaching

Journalist Lyndsie Bourgon had covered timber poaching in the Pacific Northwest for over a decade when she decided to expand her scope, heading to the Peruvian Amazon to explore old-growth poaching there. In FEJ StoryLog, she shares the ups and downs of that project, made possible in part by a grant from the Society of Environmental Journalists’ Fund for Environmental Journalism.

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"Keystone XL Pipeline Developer Pulls Plug On Controversial Project"

"The firm behind the Keystone XL pipeline officially scrapped the project on Wednesday, months after President Biden revoked a cross-border permit for the controversial pipeline and more than a decade after political wrangling over its fate began."

Source: Washington Post, 06/10/2021


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