
When the Crisis Was Immense, SEJ Award-Winner Went Narrow

How do you gain perspective on a widespread public health disaster? Award-winning reporter Apoorva Mandavilli shares valuable lessons on using a small lens to cover a big story — no, not COVID-19, but the deadly 1984 gas leak in Bhopal, India. And as she explains in this Inside Story Q&A, this decades-old story never really went away in the first place.

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Seychelles Extends Protection To Marine Area 2x Size Of Great Britain

"Seychelles, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean famous for its turquoise waters, giant tortoises and wondrous birds, has extended protection to 400,000 square kilometers (154,000 square miles) of its seas, an area twice the size of Great Britain."

Source: Mongabay, 03/31/2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Spawns Many Stories on Environment Beat

The momentous COVID-19 outbreak has many, many reporting angles — environment and energy stories certainly among them. Our latest Issue Backgrounder has an extensive rundown on possible ways in for environment and energy reporters, including everything from respiratory disease and air pollution to science denial and climate change, and more. Plus, pending passage of a massive congressional aid package. And an earlier TipSheet on how journalists can prepare for public health emergencies.

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SEJournal Relaunches WatchDog with a ‘Voice,’ Plus Coronavirus and More

SEJournal welcomes back from hiatus our WatchDog feature, now recast as an opinion column from Joseph A. Davis, Society of Environmental Journalists’ veteran freedom of information advocate and longtime SEJournal contributor. In part one of a two-parter, find out why we’re relaunching the new column, plus get Davis’ take on government openness (or lack thereof) around coronavirus, as well as more on SEJ’s deep commitment to open information and a rundown of its recent FOI activities. And watch for part two next week.

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Freelance Photographer Charts New Journalistic Path

How do you survive as a freelance wildlife photojournalist in today’s constrained news media economy? In the latest EJ InSight, photographer Morgan Heim shares the approach she has successfully pursued, and shares its implications for storytelling, independence and integrity. See a slideshow of her images. Plus, Heim explores the ethics of non-traditional photography.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Toxic Chemicals Data Can Inform Your Community of Risks

The annual release this month of the latest Toxics Release Inventory opens up a world of data about local hazards — but only if journalists have the tools to uncover hidden problems. The latest TipSheet walks you through the background and context needed, plus offers up a reporter’s rig and a pack of questions for possible stories.

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