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EPA Webinar: Consumption and Well Being: Social Motivating Factors for Supporting Environmental Health
Consumption and the Environment Webinar Series
"Making sustainable choices"
One of our goals at EPA is to expand the conversation on environmentalism. This year-long webinar series will explore how we can reduce greenhouse gases by making more sustainable choices that support a vital economy. We are inviting guest speakers to share their views on consumption and get participants thinking and talking about how our choices can impact the environment. The series is sponsored by EPA's West Coast Climate and Materials Management Forum and is free and open to everyone. Please note the opinions, ideas, or data presented by non-EPA speakers in this series do not represent EPA policy or constitute endorsement by EPA.
Webinar 6 of 10: Consumption and Well Being: Social Motivating Factors for Supporting Environmental Health
When: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 9:30-10:30 a.m. PST (12:30-1:30 p.m. EST):
- Mark A. Cohen, Professor of Law and Vice President for Research, Resources for the Future, Vanderbilt University