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Digging into Polluted Science: Environmental Investigations in an Era of Spin
A conversation with Sharon Lerner and David Michaels
October 12, 2017
Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
7th Floor Commons
20 Cooper Square, NY
Kavli Conversations are hosted by New York University’s Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program with support from the Kavli Foundation. Events are open to the public.
You can watch and ask questions online or in person, so please spread the word and join us! The webcast starts at 6:30, in-person food and drink at 6.
Moderator: Robert Lee Hotz, Science Writer, The Wall Street Journal and Distinguished Writer in Residence, Carter Institute of Journalism, NYU
Sharon Lerner, Health and Environment Reporter, The Intercept
David Michaels, Professor, George Washington University School of Public Health and Author, "Doubt is Their Product: How Industry’s Assault on Science Threatens Your Health"
Full details at