COP 16 and SBI 5

Event Date: 
October 16, 2024 to November 1, 2024

The Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) invites media to apply for accreditation to this fall’s UN Biodiversity Conference in Cali Colombia, consisting of:


  • the 5th Meeting of the CBD's Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 5), 16-18 Oct. 2024.

The theme for COP16 chosen by the host country, Colombia, is “Peace with nature”.

The meetings will focus on progress in implementing the historic Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (The Biodiversity Plan), unanimously adopted by the 196 Parties to the CBD in December 2022.

The Biodiversity Plan includes 23 action targets for 2030 towards four long-term goals for 2050 to halt and reverse the dangerous, ongoing loss of biodiversity.

The COP16 High-Level Segment (29-30 October 2024) aims to secure high-level political support for the final stages of international negotiations on key issues, including:

  • The establishment of a multilateral mechanism to share benefits from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources.
  • Mobilizing resources to close the biodiversity finance gap of US $700 billion per year (Goal D and Target 18 of the Biodiversity Plan).

Other key issues include:


  • COP 16: 21 October- 1 November 2024 (High-Level Segment: 29-30 October)
  • SBI 5: 16-18 October 2024

Venue: Pacific Valley Events Center, Cali, Colombia.


  • Representatives of the 196 Parties to the CBD and of observer organisations, including representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities, women and youth.
  • Ministers and invited leaders from international organisations and civil society who will attend the High-Level Segment of COP 16.
  • UNEP Executive Director, CBD Executive Secretary and other senior UN representatives.

To apply for media accreditation:

To access the meetings in person, or to participate in interactive online news conferences and other events, please apply for accreditation here.

Media accreditation will close on 31 August 2024.


* Double accreditation is not permitted (e.g., as media and delegate, or as media and NGO).

* Media officers from delegations will need to register as part of their delegation and then contact for information on how to access the press center.

Once accreditation is confirmed, media passes for the meeting can be picked up at the registration counter onsite upon presentation of two forms of photo ID (passport, official national press pass, driver’s license, work ID, etc.) or of a photo press pass from the United Nations in New York, Paris, Geneva, Vienna, or Nairobi.

Site access is subject to further restrictions depending on available space in the venue and / or health and security provisions that can change without notice.

Information will be made available to all on-site journalists.

Further information regarding media guidelines, news conferences and other relevant information will be made available via email and on the CBD website.

Accredited journalists should make their own travel arrangements and hotel bookings.

An information note for participants, including the visa application procedure (where applicable), will be made available in due course.

Additional background:

In the lead-up to COP 16, the Convention's Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI) and the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) held their 4th and 26th meeting, respectively, in Nairobi, Kenya:



Event Details