Three-Part Legal Training in Spanish for Journalists

Event Date: 
November 15, 2023

First time offering! Three-part online training in Spanish on core legal skills for journalists in Fall 2023. Register for one, two or all. 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET.

October 18:
Newsgathering rights (recording in public, covering protests)
Los derechos de las periodistas cuando recopilan noticias (grabación en público; consideraciones para periodistas que cubren protestas etc.)
Register here.

November 1:
Pre-publication review of articles, podcasts, documentaries (defamation, privacy torts)
La revisión previa a la publicación de artículos, podcasts, documentarios etc (difamación; agravios de privacidad)
Register here.

November 15:
Access and transparency (public records, courtrooms and court records)
Los temas de acceso y transparencia (registros públicos; salas de audiencias y registros judiciales etc.)
Register here.

All the courses are free, but registration is required.

Environmental journalists: Take advantage of these courses, which are in Spanish for the first time!

These courses are part of the Reporters Committee's ProJourn collaboration with Microsoft and Davis Wright Tremaine, which provides free pre-publication services nationwide for nonprofit journalists, and public access work for journalists in Texas, California, Georgia, New York, North Carolina and Washington State, through a network of pro bono law firm support and corporate legal offices.

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